Photo of a Muse headband floating in air

Google Go North

Go North, an innovation publication celebrating the Canadian tech start-up scene, is the latest of 5 major campaigns Underline has created for Google. The aim of Go North was to share the stories of Canadian start-ups and innovators. It shines a light on the potential in Canada and inspires action through supporting or participating in the flourishing Canadian tech industry. With content developed by VICE, Underline advised on content structure, designed the publication and art directed all custom photography. We photographed Canadian start-ups and innovators such as Google’s Geoffrey Hinton, Shopify, Hootsuite and the Myo armband by Thalmic Labs in a distinct style that is bright and optimistic to highlight the energy of the people, places and products comprising Canada’s tech industry.

Client: Google Canada
Photography: Daniel Ehrenworth and Paul Weeks

Pile of Google go north magazines
Photo of the Google offices
Layout of magazines showing various spreads of Google go North
Spread of Google Go North
Spread of Google Go North
Spread of Google Go North magazine
Spread of Google Go North
Still life photography of electronics used in the magazine
Spread of Google Go North
Spread of Google Go North
Spread of Google Go North magazine
Spread of Google Go North